Read first: Kalman Filter II: Conditioning
Read next: Kalman Filter IV: Application to position estimation

Consider again the dynamical system (without an input)

$$\begin{aligned}x_{t+1} {}={} & A_t x_t + G_t w_t,\\y_t {}={} & C_t x_t + v_t,\tag{1}\end{aligned}$$

where $x_t\in{\rm I\!R}^{n_x}$ is the system state, $y_t\in{\rm I\!R}^{n_y}$ is the output, $w_t\in{\rm I\!R}^{n_w}$ is a noise term acting on the system dynamics known as process noise, and $v_t\in{\rm I\!R}^{n_v}$ is a measurement noise term.

Hereafter we shall assume that

  1. ${\rm I\!E}[w_t]=0$ and ${\rm I\!E}[v_t]=0$ for all $t\in{\rm I\!N}$,
  2. $x_0$, $(w_t)_t$ and $(v_t)_t$ are mutually independent random variables (therefore, ${\rm I\!E}[w_tw_l^\intercal]=0$ for $t{}\neq{}l$, and ${\rm I\!E}[v_tv_l^\intercal]=0$ for $t{}\neq{}l$),
  3. $w_t$ and $v_t$ are normally distributed and ${\rm I\!E}[w_tw_t^\intercal]=Q_t$, ${\rm I\!E}[v_tv_t^\intercal]=R_t$.
  4. $x_0$ is a random variable and $x_0 \sim \mathcal{N}(\tilde{x}_0, P_0)$

In the following video you will find a complete presentation of the derivation of the Kalman filter.

Update Equations

The random variables $x_0$ and $y_0$ are jointly normal with ${\rm I\!E}[x_0]=\tilde{x}_0$, ${\rm I\!E}[y_0]={\rm I\!E}[C_0x_0+v_0] = C_0\tilde{x}_0$.

The variance of $x_0$ is ${\rm Var}[x_0] = {P_0}$. The variance of $y_0$ is

$${\rm Var}[y_0] = {\rm Var}[C_0 x_0 + v_0] = {C_0P_0C_0^\intercal + R_0}.\tag{2}$$

The covariance of $x_0$ with $y_0$ is

$$\begin{aligned} {\rm Cov}(x_0, y_0) {}={} & {\rm I\!E}[(x_0-\tilde{x}_0)(y_0 - \tilde{y}_0)^\intercal],\quad \text{ where } \tilde{y}_0 = {\rm I\!E}[y_0] \\ {}={} & {\rm I\!E}[(x_0-\tilde{x}_0)(C_0x_0 + v_0 - C_0\tilde{x}_0)^\intercal] \\ {}={} & {\rm I\!E}[(x_0-\tilde{x}_0)(C_0(x_0 - \tilde{x}_0) + v_0)^\intercal] \\ {}={} & {\rm I\!E}[(x_0-\tilde{x}_0)(x_0 - \tilde{x}_0)^\intercal C_0^\intercal + (x_0-\tilde{x}_0)v_0^\intercal] = {P_0C_0^\intercal}. \end{aligned}$$


$$ \begin{bmatrix} x_0 \\y_0 \end{bmatrix} {}\sim{} \mathcal{N}\left( \begin{bmatrix}\tilde{x}_0\\C_0\tilde{x}_0\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} {P_0} & {P_0C_0^\intercal} \\ {C_0P_0} & {C_0P_0C_0^\intercal + R_0} \end{bmatrix} \right).\tag{3}$$

Suppose we measure $y_0$. What is $x_0$ given $y_0$?

Since $(x_0, y_0)$ is jointly normally distributed as in Equation (3), $x_0{}\mid{}y_0$ is normally distributed.

We may define the estimator \(\hat{x}_{0{}\mid{}0} \coloneqq {\rm I\!E}[x_0 {}\mid{} y_0] \), which is (ref)

$$ \hat{x}_{0{}\mid{}0} {}={} \tilde{x}_0 {}+{} {P_0C_0^\intercal} ({C_0P_0C_0^\intercal + R_0})^{-1} (y_0 - C_0\tilde{x}_0),\tag{4}$$

and the estimator variance, \(\Sigma_{0{}\mid{}0} \coloneqq {\rm Var}[x_0{}\mid{}y_0]\), which is

$$\Sigma_{0{}\mid{}0} {}={} {P_0} {}-{} {P_0C_0^\intercal} ({C_0P_0C_0^\intercal + R_0})^{-1} {C_0P_0}\tag{5}$$

Having observed $y_0$ at $t=0$ we want to estimate $x_1$; we compute \(\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0} \coloneqq {\rm I\!E}[x_1 {}\mid{} y_0]\) which is

$$\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0} {}={} A_0 \hat{x}_{0\mid 0}.\tag{6}$$

The estimator variance, \(\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0} = {\rm Var}[x_1 {}\mid{} y_0]\), is

$$\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0} {}={} A_0 \Sigma_{0{}\mid{}0}A_0^\intercal + G_0Q_0G_0^\intercal.\tag{7}$$

The output at $t=1$ given the observation of $y_0$ is expected to be

$$\hat{y}_{1{}\mid{}0} = {\rm I\!E}[y_1 {}\mid{} y_0] = C_1\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0},\tag{8}$$

and its (conditional) variance is

$${\rm Var}[y_1 {}\mid{} y_0] = {C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal + R_1},\tag{9}$$

(can you see why?) and the covariance between $x_1$ and $y_1$, conditional on $y_0$, is

$${\rm Cov}(x_1, y_1 {}\mid{} y_0) {}\coloneqq {} {\rm I\!E}[(x_1 - \tilde{x}_1)(y_1 - \tilde{y}_1)^\intercal {}\mid{} y_0] {}={} {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0} C_1^\intercal}.\tag{10}$$


$$\left. \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ y_1 \end{bmatrix} \right| y_0 {}\sim{} \mathcal{N}\left( \begin{bmatrix}\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0}\\C_1\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}} & {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal} \\ {C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}} & {C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal + R_1 } \end{bmatrix} \right).\tag{11}$$

Once we obtain a measurement $y_1$,

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}1} {}={} & {\rm I\!E}[x_1 {}\mid{} y_0, y_1] = \hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0} + {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal} ({C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal + R_1 })^{-1}(y_1 - C_1\hat{x}_{1{}\mid{}0}), \\ \Sigma_{1{}\mid{}1} {}={} & {\rm Var}[x_1 {}\mid{} y_0, y_1] = {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}} {}-{} {\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal} ({C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}C_1^\intercal + R_1 })^{-1} {C_1\Sigma_{1{}\mid{}0}}. \end{aligned}$$

We can now state the update equations of the Kalman filter

$$\begin{aligned} \text{Measurement} & \left[ \begin{array}{l} \hat{x}_{t{}\mid{}t} {}={} \hat{x}_{t{}\mid{}t-1} {}+{} \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C_t^\intercal (C_t\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C_t^\intercal + R_t)^{-1}(y_t - C_t\hat{x}_{t{}\mid{}t-1}) \\ \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t} {}={} \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1} {}-{} \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C_t^\intercal (C_t\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C_t^\intercal + R_t)^{-1} C_t\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1} \end{array} \right. \\ \text{Time update} & \left[ \begin{array}{l} \hat{x}_{t+1{}\mid{}t} {}={} A_t \hat{x}_{t{}\mid{}t} \\ \Sigma_{t+1{}\mid{}t} {}={} A_t \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t} A_t^\intercal + G_tQ_tG_t^\intercal \end{array} \right. \\ \text{Initial conditions} & \left[ \begin{array}{l} \hat{x}_{0{}\mid{}-1} {}={} \tilde{x}_0 \\ \Sigma_{0{}\mid{}-1} {}={} P_0 \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Note that we have defined: (i) $\hat{x}_{t{}\mid{}t} \coloneqq {\rm I\!E}[x_t {}\mid{} y_0, y_1, \ldots, y_t]$, (ii) $\hat{x}_{t+1{}\mid{}t} \coloneqq {\rm I\!E}[x_{t+1} {}\mid{} y_0, y_1, \ldots, y_t]$, (iii) $\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t} \coloneqq {\rm Var}[x_t {}\mid{} y_0, y_1, \ldots, y_t]$, and (iv) $\Sigma_{t+1{}\mid{}t} \coloneqq {\rm Var}[x_{t+1} {}\mid{} y_0, y_1, \ldots, y_t]$.

How it works

The Kalman filter involves three steps.

Initialisation. At the beginning, an initialisation step is applied where we provide our prior information about the initial state in terms of a normal distribution. In particular, we need to provide an estimate of the initial state, $\tilde{x}_0$. This is our best guess about the state. Alongside, we need to provide the initial variance-covariance matrix, $P_0$. If we are not very confident about our guess, $P_0$ should be taken to be "large" (e.g, a diagonal matrix with large diagonal entries).

Measurement update step. Once a new measurement, $y_t$, is available, we apply the measurement update step where we update $\hat{x}_{t\mid t}$ and $\Sigma_{t\mid t}$. The Kalman filter can be applied when the measurements are available intermittently. Then, we will simply skip the measurement update step and we will proceed with the time update.

Time update step. At every time instant, after the measurement update (if any), we need to apply the time update step where we predict the next state $\hat{x}_{t+1\mid t}$ and we determine the corresponding variance, $\Sigma_{t+1 \mid t}$ (see the Gauss-Markov model).


The tuning of the Kalman filter consists, mainly, in determining $Q$ and $R$ (they can be time-varying). A "small" $Q$ means that we trust the model, while a "small" $R$ means that we trust the sensors. When it comes to $R$, it is easier to determine it by collecting data from the sensors in a controlled environment (usually we can do this), or by looking at the datasheets. On the other hand, $Q$ may be more difficult to determine accurately, especially if we cannot measure the state directly. Often, both $Q$ and $R$ are determined by trial and error.

Read next: Kalman Filter IV: Application to position estimation

At infinity

Suppose that $A_t = A$, $C_t = C$, $Q_t = Q$ and $R_t = R$. Then, the covariance matrices are updated according to

$$\Sigma_{t+1{}\mid{}t} {}={} A \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1} A^\intercal {}-{} A \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C^\intercal (C\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C^\intercal + R)^{-1} C\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1} A^\intercal {}+{} GQG^\intercal,$$

which is a Riccati recursion! We know that the Riccati recursion - under certain assumptions (left to the reader as an exercise; drop a comment below) - converges to a steady-state matrix $\Sigma_{\infty}$, i.e., $\Sigma_{t+1{}\mid{}t}\to\Sigma_\infty$ as $t\to\infty$. The covariance matrices can be computed without the need to obtain any system data (independent of $y_t$). The state estimates are essentially conditional expectations. As such, the Kalman filter is the best we can achieve (minimum conditional variance estimator).

Read next: Kalman Filter IV: Application to position estimation

The limit covariance satisfies

$$\Sigma_{\infty} {}={} A \Sigma_{\infty} A^\intercal {}-{} A \Sigma_{\infty}C^\intercal (C\Sigma_{\infty}C^\intercal + R)^{-1} C\Sigma_{\infty} A^\intercal {}+{} GQG^\intercal,$$

that is, $\Sigma_{\infty}$ is the solution of a discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE). We can compute such a matrix in Python as follows

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as spla

A = np.array([[1.2, 0], [1, 0.5]])
C = np.array([[1, 3]])
Q = np.eye(2)
G = np.eye(2)
R = np.array([[4]])

sigma_inf = scipy.linalg.solve_discrete_are(A.T, C.T, G @ Q @G.T, R)

Joseph form of covariance update

Here we will show an equivalent form of the measurement update of the covariance matrix, known as the Joseph update.

Proposition III.1 (Joseph form). The measurement update of the covariance matrix can be written as

$$\Sigma_{t\mid{}t} {}={} (I-L_t C_t)\Sigma_{t\mid{}t-1}(I-L_tC_t)^\intercal + L_tR_tL_t^\intercal,\tag{13}$$

where $L_t$ is the Kalman gain matrix given by

$$L_t = \Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C^\intercal (C\Sigma_{t{}\mid{}t-1}C^\intercal + R)^{-1}.\tag{14}$$

As we will see later, the Joseph form is more convenient in some cases.