In this introductory post we will present some fundamental results that will pave the way towards polynomial chaos expansions. This will be done in a series of blog posts.

0. Introduction

0.1. Preliminaries

Mercer's theorem is a fundamental theorem in reproducing kernel Hilbert space[ref]. Before we proceed we need to state a few definitions. Note certain authors use different notation and definitions. We start with the definition of a symmetric function.

Definition 1 (Symmetric). A function \(K:[a,b]\times[a,b] \to {\rm I\!R}\) symmetric if $K(x, y) = K(y, x)$ for all $x,y\in[a,b]$.

Next we give the definition of a positive definite function \(K:[a,b]\times[a,b] \to {\rm I\!R}\).

Definition 2 (Positive definite function). A function \(K:[a,b]\times[a,b] \to {\rm I\!R}\) is called nonnegative definite if \(\sum_{i,j=1}^{n} f(x_i) f(x_j) K(x_i,x_j) \geq 0\), for all \((x_i)_{i=1}^{n}\) in \([a,b]\), all \(n\in\N\) and all functions \(f:[a, b] \to {\rm I\!R}\).

We can now give the definition of a kernel.

Definition 3 (Kernel). A function \(K:[a,b]\times[a,b] \to {\rm I\!R}\) is called a kernel if it is (i) continuous, (ii) symmetric, and (iii) nonnegative definite.

Some examples of kernels are (for $x,y\in [a, b]$)

  1. Linear, $K(x, y) = x y$
  2. Polynomial, $K(x, y) = (x y + c)^d$, with $c\geq 0$
  3. Radial basis function, $K(x, y) = \exp(-\gamma (x-y)^2)$
  4. Hyperbolic tangent, $K(x, y) = \tanh(xy + c)$

0.2. Hilbert-Schmidt integral operators

We give the definition of the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator of a kernel.

Definition 4 (HS integral operator). Let \(K\) be a kernel. The Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator is defined as a $T_K : \mathcal{L}^2([a,b]) \to \mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$ that maps a function $\phi \in \mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$ to the function

$$T_K \phi = \int_{a}^{b}K({}\cdot{}, s)\phi(s)\mathrm{d} s.$$

which is an $\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$-function.

The Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator of a kernel is linear, bounded, and compact. Moreover, $T_K\phi$ is continuous for all $\phi\in\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$. We also have that $T_K$ is self adjoint, that is, for all $g\in\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$,

$$\langle T_K \phi, g\rangle = \langle \phi, T_K g\rangle.$$

Recall that given a linear map $A:U\to U$ on a real linear space $U$, an eigenvalue-eigenvector pair $(\lambda, \phi)$, with $\lambda\in\mathbb{C}$ and $\phi\in U$ is one that satisfies $A\phi = \lambda \phi$.

For the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator of a kernel

  1. There is at least one eigenvalue-eigenfunction pair

  2. The set of its eigenvalues is countable
  3. Its eigenvalues are (real and) nonnegative
  4. Its eigenfunctions are continuous
  5. Its eigenfunctions span $\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$

From the spectral theorem for linear, compact, self-adjoint operators, there is an orthonormal basis of $\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$ consisting of eigenvectors of $T_K$.

0.3. Mercer’s Theorem

We can now state Mercer's theorem.

Theorem 5 (Mercer's theorem). Let \(K\) be a kernel. Then, there is an orthonormal basis \((e_i)_{i}\) of $\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])$ of eigenfunctions of $T_K$, and corresponding (nonnegative) eigenvalues \((\lambda_i)_i\) so that

$$K(s,t) = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \lambda_j e_j(s)e_j(t),$$

where convergence is absolute and uniform in \([a,b]\times [a,b]\).

The fact that $(\lambda_i, e_i)$ is an eigenvalue-eigenfunction pair of $T_K$ means that $T_K e_i = \lambda_i e_i$, that is,

$$\int_a^b K(t, s)e_i(s)\mathrm{d}s = \lambda_i e_i(t).$$

This is a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind.

1. The Kosambi–Karhunen–Loève Theorem

We can now state the Kosambi–Karhunen–Loève (KKL) theorem[3]. The Kosambi–Karhunen–Loève Theorem is a special case of the class of polynomial chaos expansions we will discuss later. It is a consequence of Mercer's Theorem.

Theorem 6 (KKL Theorem).[3] Let \((X_t)_{t\in [a,b]}\) be a centred, continuous stochastic process on \((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})\) with a covariance function $R_X(s,t) = {\rm I\!E}[X_s X_t]$. Then, for $t\in[a, b]$

\[ X_t(\omega) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}Z_i(\omega) e_i(t),\tag{1} \]


\[ Z_i(\omega) = \int_{T}X_t(\omega)e_i(t) \mathrm{d}t, \tag{2} \]

where $e_i$ are eigenfunctions of the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator of $R_X$ and form an orthonormal basis of $\mathcal{L}^2(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})$.

Since $(Z_i)_i$ is an orthonormal basis, \({\rm I\!E}[Z_i Z_j] = 0\) for \(i\neq j\). Moreover, \({\rm I\!E}[Z_i]=0\). The variance of $Z_i$ is ${\rm I\!E}[Z_i^2] = \lambda_i$ — the corresponding eigenvalue to $Z_i$.

In Equation (1), the series converges in the mean-square sense to $X_t$, uniformly in $t\in[a,b]$.

What is more, \((e_i)_i\) and \((\lambda_i)_i\) are eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Hilbert-Schmidt integral operator \(T_{R_X}\) of the auto-correlation function \(R_X\) of the random process, that is, they satisfy the Fredholm integral equation of the second kind

\[ T_{R_X}e_i = \lambda_i e_i \]

or equivalently

\[ \int_{a}^{b} R_X(s,t) e_i(s) \mathrm{d} s = \lambda_i e_i(t), \]

for all $i\in\N$.

Let \((X_t)_{t\in T}\), \(T=[a,b]\), be a stochastic process which satisfies the requirements of the Kosambi-Karhunen-Loève theorem. Then, there exists a basis \((e_i)_i\) of \(\mathcal{L}^2(T)\) such that for all \(t\in T\)

\[ X_t(\omega) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \sqrt{\lambda_i}\xi_i(\omega)e_i(t), \]

in \(\mathcal{L}^2(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P})\), where \(\xi_i\) are centered, mutually uncorrelated random variables with unit variance and are given by

\[\xi_i(\omega) = \tfrac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda_i}}\int_{a}^{b} X_{\tau}(\omega) e_i(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau.\]

2. Orthogonal polynomials

Let \(\mathsf{P}_N([a,b])\) denote the space of polynomials \(\psi:[a,b]\to{\rm I\!R}\) of degree no larger than \(N\in\N\).

Consider the space \(\mathcal{L}^2([a,b])\) and a positive continuous random variable with pdf $w$ (or, in general, a positive function $w:[a, b] \to [0, \infty)$). For two functions \(\psi_1,\psi_2: [a,b] \to {\rm I\!R}\), we define the scalar product

\[ \left\langle\psi_1, \psi_2\right\rangle_{w} = \int_{a}^{b} w(\tau) \psi_1(\tau) \psi_2(\tau) \mathrm{d} \tau. \]

and the corresponding norm \( \|f\|_w = \sqrt{\left\langle f,f\right\rangle_w}\). Define the space

\[ \mathcal{L}^2_w([a,b]) = \{f:[a,b]\to{\rm I\!R} {}:{} \|f\|_w < \infty\}. \]

For a random variable \(\Xi \in \mathcal{L}^2(\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mathrm{P}; {\rm I\!R})\) with PDF \(p_\Xi>0\), we define

\[ \left\langle\psi_1, \psi_2\right\rangle_{\Xi} {}\coloneqq{} \left\langle\psi_1, \psi_2\right\rangle_{p_{\Xi}}. \]

If the random variable $\Xi$ is not continuous (so, it does not have a pdf), then given its distribution $F_{\Xi}(\xi) = \mathrm{P}[\Xi \leq \xi]$, we can define the inner product as

$$\langle \psi_1, \psi_2\rangle_{\Xi} {}={} \int_{a}^{b}\psi_1 \psi_2 \mathrm{d}F_{\Xi}.$$

Let $\Xi$ be a real-valued random variable with probability density function $p_\Xi$. Let \(\psi_1,\psi_2:\Omega\to{\rm I\!R}\) be two polynomials. We say that \(\psi_1,\psi_2\) are orthogonal with respect to (the pdf of) \(\Xi\) if \(\left\langle\psi_1, \psi_2\right\rangle_{\Xi} = 0\).

The random variable $\Xi$ the induces the above inner product and norm is often referred to as the germ.

Let \(\psi_0, \psi_2,\ldots\), with \(\psi_0=1\), be a sequence of orthogonal polynomials with respect to the above inner product. Then,

\[ 0 = \left\langle \psi_0, \psi_1 \right\rangle_\Xi = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \psi_{1}(s) p_{\Xi}(s) \mathrm{d} s = {\rm I\!E}[\psi_1(\Xi)], \]

by virtue of LotUS. Likewise, \({\rm I\!E}[\psi_i(\Xi)] = 0\) for all \(i\).

(Hermite polynomials). Let \(\Xi\) be distributed as \(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\). Then, its pdf is

$$p_{\Xi}(s) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{x^2}{2}}.$$

and the polynomials \(\psi_0,\psi_1,\ldots\) are the Hermite polynomials, the first few of which are \(H_0(x)=1\), \(H_1(x)=x\), \(H_2(x)=x^2-1\), \(H_3(x) = x^3 - 3x\). These are orthogonal with respect to \(\Xi\), that is

\[ \left\langle{}H_i, H_j\right\rangle_\Xi = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}H_i(s) H_j(s) e^{-\frac{s^2}{2}}\mathrm{d} s = 0, \]

for \(i\neq j\).

(Legendre polynomials). If \(\Xi\sim U([-1,1])\), then \(\psi_0,\psi_1,\ldots\) are the Legendre polynomials. If, instead, \(\Xi\sim U([-1,1])\), the coefficients of the Legendre polynomials can be modified.

(Laguerre polynomials). If the germ is an exponential random variable on \([0,\infty)\), then \(\psi_0,\psi_1,\ldots\) are the Laguerre polynomials.

2.2. Projection and Best Approximation

On a normed space $X$, let us recall that the projection of a point $x \in X$ on a closed set $H\subseteq X$ is defined as

$$\Pi_H(x) = \argmin_{y\in H}\|y-x\|.$$

In other words,

$$\|\Pi_H(x) - x\| \leq \|y-x\|, \text{ for all } y\in H.$$

Proposition 7 (Projection on subspace). Let $X$ be an inner product space and $H \subseteq X$ is a linear subspace of $X$. Let $x\in X$. The following are equivalent

  1. $x^\star = \Pi_{H}(x)$
  2. $\|x^\star - x\| \leq \|y-x\|$, for all $y\in H$
  3. $x^\star - x$ is orthogonal to $y$ for all $y\in H$

Proof. (1 $\Leftrightarrow$ 2) is immediate from the definition of the projection.

(1 $\Leftrightarrow$ 3) The optimisation problem that defines the projection can be written equivalently as

$$\operatorname*{Minimise}_{y}\tfrac{1}{2}\|y-x\|^2 + \delta_H(y).$$

So the optimality conditions are $0 \in \partial(\tfrac{1}{2}\|x^{\star}-x\|^2 + \delta_H(x^{\star}))$. Equivalently

$$0 \in x^{\star}-x + N_H(x^{\star}) \Leftrightarrow x^{\star}-x \in H^{\perp},$$

and this completes the proof. $\Box$

Proposition 8 (Projection on subspace). Let $X$ be an inner product space and $H \subseteq X$ is a finite-dimensional linear subspace of $X$ with an orthogonal basis $\{e_1, \ldots, e_n\}$*. Then,

$$\Pi_H(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}c_i e_i,$$


$$c_i = \frac{\langle x, e_i \rangle}{\|e_i\|^2},$$

for all $i=1,\ldots, n$.

* If the basis is not orthogonal, we can produce an orthogonal basis using the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation procedure[ref]

Proof. It suffices to show that Condition 3 of Proposition 7 is satisfied. Equivalently, it suffices to show that

$$\left\langle \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{\langle x, e_i \rangle}{\|e_i\|^2}e_i - x, e_j\right\rangle=0,$$

for all $j=1,\ldots,n$. This is true because $\langle e_i, e_j\rangle = \delta_{ij}\|e_j\|^2$. $\Box$

Let $\{\psi_0, \ldots, \psi_N\}$ be an orthogonal basis of the set of polynomials on $[a, b]$ with degree up to $N$. This is denoted by $\mathsf{P}_N([a, b])$. Orthogonality is meant with respect to an inner product \(\left\langle{}\cdot{}, {}\cdot{}\right\rangle_w\). Suppose that the $\psi_i$ are unitary, i.e., $\|\psi_i\|_w = 1$.

Following Proposition 8, the projection operator onto \(\mathsf{P}_N([a, b])\) is

\[ \Pi_N:\mathcal{L}^2_w([a, b]) \ni f \mapsto \Pi_N f \coloneqq \sum_{j=0}^{N}\hat{f}_j \psi_j \in \mathsf{P}_N, \]

where $\hat{f}_j = \left\langle{}f, \psi_j\right\rangle_w.$

For \(f\in\mathcal{L}^2_w([a, b])\), define \(f_N = \Pi_N f\). Then,

\[ \lim_{N\to\infty}\|f - f_N\|_{w} = 0. \]

2.3. Example

Here we will approximate the function

$$f(x) = \sin(5x) \exp(-2x^2),$$

over $[-1, 1]$ using Legendre polynomials[ref]. The Legendre polynomials, $L_0, L_1, \ldots$ are orthogonal with respect to the standard inner product of $\mathcal{L}^2([-1, 1])$. The first four Legendre polynomials are

$$\begin{aligned} L_0(x) {}={}& 1, \\ L_1(x) {}={}& x, \\ L_2(x) {}={}& \tfrac{1}{2}(3x^2 - 1), \\ L_3(x) {}={}& \tfrac{1}{2}(5x^3 - 1). \end{aligned}$$

Using Proposition 8, we can compute the coefficients of the approximation $f \approx \Pi_N f$. In Figure 1 we see a comparison of $f_5$, $f_7$ and $f_9$ with $f$. We see that as $N$ increases, the approximation comes closed to $f$.

Approximation of f with Legendre polynomials

Figure 1. Approximation of $f(x) = \sin(5x) \exp(-2x^2)$ using Legendre polynomials.

Approximation L2-norm-error against N

Figure 2. Plot of $\|f-f_N\|_{\mathcal{L}^2([-1, 1])}$ against $N$. As $N\to\infty$, the approximation error goes to zero.

Is this better compared to the Taylor expansion? TL;DR: Yes! Big time! Taylor's approximation is a local approximation.

2.4. Focused approximation

Let's take the same function as in the example of Section 2.3, but now suppose we want to focus more close to $-1$ and less so close to $1$. We want to treat errors close to $-1$ as more important and errors closer to $1$ as less important. To that end, we use the weight function

$$w(x) = (1-x)^a(1+x)^b,$$

with $a=2$ and $b=0.1$.

Approximation using  Jacobi polynomials

Figure 3. Approximation of $f(x) = \sin(5x) \exp(-2x^2),$ with polynomials which are orthogonal with respect to $w$.

The Jacobi polynomials[ref] are orthogonal with respect to $w$.

In Figure 3 we see that the approximation using an expansion with Jacobi polynomials is better close to $-1$ and less so as we move to $1$.


  1. G.E. Fasshauer, Positive Definite Kernels: Past, Present and Future, 2011
  2. Marco Cuturi, Positive Definite Kernels in Machine Learning, 2009
  3. R.B. Ash, Information Theory, Dover Books on Mathematics, 2012
  4. D. Xiu, Numerical methods for stochastic computations: a spectral method approach, Princeton University Press, 2010