Reading Vershynin's HDP I: Markov, Chernoff, Hoeffding
A result on the convergence of sample mean and notes on some standard concentration inequalities such as the Markov, Chernoff, Hoeffding, and Chernoff’s bounds
A result on the convergence of sample mean and notes on some standard concentration inequalities such as the Markov, Chernoff, Hoeffding, and Chernoff’s bounds
How to project on the epigraph of the squared Euclidean norm
Moving horizon estimation
The extended Kalman filter with an application to position estimation
How to project on the epigraph of a convex function
Square root form of the Kalman filter
We show that the Kalman filter is a recursive maximum a posteriori estimator. This
Further examples using the Kalman filter in Python
We use the Kalman filter to estimate the position of a vehicle by fusing tachometer and GPS sensor data
We derive the measurement and update steps of the Kalman filter